Period Pants


Period pants are arguably the easiest of the reusable period products to get your head around using because they are worn like regular underwear.

Unlike regular underwear, period pants absorb menstrual blood and prevent leaks, in most cases, without needing other forms of period protection.


How they work.

Period pants are worn like regular underwear. The pants have (a minimum of) three layers that help absorb the blood without causing dampness or leakages.

Period pants come in different sizes, styles and absorbencies, the absorbency you choose, and the heaviness of your flow will affect the frequency that the pants will need changing. A medium absorbency pair of period pants will last for around 4 to 6 hours. Over time it will become clearer how often you need to change your pants depending on your personal needs. The important thing is to remember to change your pants when they start to feel uncomfortable or wet.

How to use and care for period pants.

When it is time to change your period pants, remove them, and run them under cold water until the water runs clear. This can be done in the shower or in the sink. If there is no sink available be sure to do this step when the facilities are next available. It is a good idea to carry a waterproof bag with you for the benefit of this rinsing process when you are out. This stage is important to maintain the longevity of your pants and keep them stain-free.

The next step is to put your period pants in the next available wash. They can be washed at 30 degrees, a 60-degree wash will ruin the materials in the pants, and they won’t last as long.

Once washed, hang your period pads up to dry. Do not tumble dry your period pants and avoid putting them too close to the radiator as excess heat will ruin the fabrics in the pants.

Once dry your period pants are ready to use again and again and again…

Choosing the right pair.

Like us period pads come in all sorts of different sizes, shapes and colours so It is important to choose a pair you like when available. The most important aspect of this is choosing a pair you will feel comfortable in on your period, and that is down to your personal preference.

Period pants also come in different absorbencies. The absorbencies of a pair of period pants should be listed on the label or packaging and it is important to get the right absorbency for your flow. Everyone is different and it may be a case of trial and error to work out how heavy your flow is so starting with a medium absorbency may be best. There is a wide variety available from light to ultra-heavy (that can last 24hr+) so there are options available for even the heaviest flows.

Because period pants need changing it is a good idea to get more than one pair, this will differ depending on how often you can do your washing.

Who can use period pants?

Everyone can wear period pants! Be sure to select the correct pair(s)of pants based on absorbency, size, fit and appearance.

Period pants are safe and hygienic, but it is still important to look after yourself during your period. Do not wear your period pants for longer than recommended, if they feel continually damp you need to change them.


A pair of period pants can last around 4 years, or the same length of time as your regular underwear, depending on how well you care for them. To keep your pants working for a long time remember to rinse them in cold water and do not expose them to high temperatures. During the time you use your period pants, you do not need to buy disposable period pads and will save a lot of money. Though period pants are not cheap they are a good investment, and you will make your money back before long. We understand if this investment is not doable for you currently and encourage you to get in contact if you are in need.