Reuseable Pads


Reusable Period pads work in a very similar way to disposable period pads except you wash them and reuse them.

Reusable period pads that are made of cloth, are kinder to your skin, kinder to the planet and kinder to your wallet.


How they work.

Reusable pads work in the same way as disposable menstrual pads and are made of absorbent fabrics to soak up blood.

The layers inside the pad keep you dry while locking the blood away ready to be washed away.

How to use and care for reuseable pads

Wrap the wings around the crotch of your underwear and secure it in place underneath using the pad’s fastener. In most cases the pad should be attached with the soft flannel or absorbent fabric layer up and the patterned, colourful fabric down (against your pants).

Reusable period pads can last up to 8 hours (depending on your flow) but should be changed when they start to feel constantly wet. Leaving them longer than this can cause discomfort, leaks and other problems.

When you remove your reusable pad, rinse it under cold water and ring out until the water runs clear. If there is no sink available, rinse the pad out when you get to the appropriate facilities. It is a good idea to bring a leakproof bag with you when out to help with carrying wet pads and to keep a spare. Once the pad is rinsed it is ready to go in your normal cool wash and hung out to dry. Do not use excessive heat in the washing or drying process as this will spoil the pad. You can now reuse your pad again and again…

Choosing a reuseable pad

There are many different reusable period pads available, including handmade ones you can sew yourself. Reusable pads come in different lengths, absorbencies, shapes, patterns, colours, fastenings and fabrics. It is important to choose a pad that matches the heaviness of your flow and the amount you move, for example, longer ones may be better for night time mid-cycle, and shorter ones may be better for lighter days. The other important factor is the appropriateness of the top fabric for your skin needs, e.g., choose a pad that is soft but is not too thick if you are always warm. The fabric used in reusable pads varies, some use fast-drying synthetics and some use sensitive skin-friendly naturals, bamboo fabric is a great mix of the best qualities.

Who can use reuseable pads

Everyone can wear reusable period pads! Be sure to select the correct pads for your requirements.
Reusable pads are safe and hygienic, but it is still important to look after yourself during your period. Do not wear your pads for longer than recommended, if they feel continually damp you need to change them.


Reusable period pads can last around 5 years, depending on how well you care for them. To keep your pads working for a long time remember to rinse them in cold water and do not expose them to high temperatures. During the time you use your pads, you do not need to buy disposable period pads or tampons and will save a lot of money. Though reusable period pads are not cheap they are a good investment and you will make your money back before long. We understand if this investment is not doable for you currently and encourage you to get in contact if you are in need.