We have had some absolutely wonderful people fundraising for us recently, so we wanted to use this post to say a huge…
First up, we have Saskia, who is running a half marathon in order to
raise money for Freedom4Girls on the 9th of May! She has absolutely
smashed her fundrasing target of £25o and has so far (on the 26th April)
raised a whopping £1098 for us! WHAT A STAR! Thank you so much to
Saskia and everyone who has sponsored her – all of your generosity will
go a long way in helping us to tackle Period Poverty!
Next up, we have Kira, who livestreamed shaving her head on the 8th of April! We hope that Kira had a lovely birthday, what a way to celebrate! She has supported both Freedom4Girls and the Little Princess Trust, and has raised a HUGE £1200 for Freedom4Girls. We couldn’t be more grateful!
We asked Kira about her decision to support Freedom4Girls and here’s what she said:
“I wanted to support a charity that campaigned for women and was also campaigning to break taboos and stigma surrounding women’s issues. The more I researched, the more I realised how much of an issue period poverty was in the UK as well as abroad. I love how Freedom4Girls tackle both the practical issues women face as well as offering education and support around menstruation. I am also a big fan of environmentally sustainable products and love that this is something that F4G supports as well.”
Lastly, we’d like to extend this thank you to everyone who has fundraised for us and supported us during this challenging past year! As a small but ambitious charity, we really appreciate all the support we’ve received during the pandemic, and we hope that we can see all of your lovely faces at some in-person events as soon as we are able!
Team F4G x